Monday, January 4, 2010

The Spiciest Pickle in Town!!!

The Spiciest pickle in town dances a little jig on your taste buds. The SP on Kirkwood and I-10 lives up to its namesake!

After many months of "I wish we could"s or "do you think its open"s, we finally found the time to visit.

The SP exceeded our expectations. We were a expecting a little mom and pop place that catered to the weird and pregnant. While it did use the pickle theme throughout the restaurant, besides the pickle-shaped table, it did not go overboard. The place offered paninis and sandwiches (the Ps are huge). The Double Dilly O is a great deal; you get half a sammy, soup or salad, and a drink for less than the price of a regular panini. And how can you pass up a name like that?!

Each meal is accompanied by a little sidekick. What is it you may ask? Well, it is a very spicy pickle!! And we thought it was just a name. The real kick of the pickle is not discovered upon first bite. Only after a few more may you discover the pure spice in the SP.

We ate everything on our plates!! I mean every little morsel. I like the Roma panini with mozzerela, basil, and tom toms. The Sausalito Bandito was a huge hit at our table, too. Excellente!! Who knows what it had on it? Pure Deliciousness I bet!!

Although regular readers know that we do not condone the digestion of tuna, we hear from an unidentified source that the Sinker was extraordinary.

We definitely think this place rocks!! We give it Three Dills Up!!

P.S. The soda fountain machine dispenses Barqs root beer!! A reason in itself to go.