Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chacho's Nachos

We love Chacho's nachos but not at the expense of our own lives. Chachos is open 24 hours; this actually explains a lot.

The patio seating area is fortified with garage doors. They provide easy roll-down protection in times of attack. Walking into the building you see an enormous trashcan overflowing with rubbish. The side walk looks like patrons spit loogies 'til they actually cross the threshold into the restaurant. The parking lot is disgusting. Don't wear sandals. Don't go after 9 pm or you will meet disgusting characters too. The menus are all mysteriously grimy and slobbery. They will make you a true believer of anti-bacterial sanitizer. Never venture to the restrooms. You may not want to eat very much after that journey there and back.

In fact, the staff sucked. The order up bar is a home-away-from-home for rather curt folks. Never have we been so assaulted while our order is being taken. Make sure you know everything you want in advance. You have to or they'll cut you. While eating in the dinning room, a cook threatened a dishwasher's life standing 3 feet away from our table! Need we say more?

Even though we know we are putting our lives at risk visiting Chachos, the cheese factor of the nachos receives a Gold Star. It's the shinning beacon that guides us back time after time.


  1. where on westheimer is this "GEM"?

  2. it's on westheimer near fountainview!!

  3. Ahh...I can feel the beacon calling! This delicious morsel of a write-up has my cheese meter on full tilt and my cholesterol screaming for more! The atmosphere sounds like a true safari in the concrete jungle! Keep up the good reviews!
